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6 Fun Cleaning Challenges to Encourage Children to Participate in Household Chores

Writer's picture: Daniel ZevallosDaniel Zevallos

Mother teaches her children how to clean and help with household chores
Clean Home Theory | Maryland

Do you always end up picking up and cleaning up your little ones' mess?

Sure you do, more than once you've ended up picking up and folding their clothes, organizing their room, and picking up their  toys off the floor.

And that's okay! Doing those chores for them is acceptable, but ideally only up to age 3 because each of these tasks represents an area of opportunity that we should make the most of. The best thing to do is to include them and teach them how to do them. With this we will begin to foster their sense of responsibility and cultivate a culture of cleanliness that will accompany them throughout their lives. 

At Clean Home Theory we know that cleaning chores can become repetitive, and it is very easy for children to lose interest in doing them. This is why it is important to make them dynamic and entertaining.

That's why here we bring you some fun cleaning challenges that will introduce your little ones to the world of cleaning.

1. Toy cleaning

girls putting toys in a box to donate them

This activity is ideal for times like Christmas, when children are on vacation and are likely to receive new toys due to family traditions. 

To make room for those new toys, spend time together sorting through the ones they no longer use and donate them to those who could give them a second chance.  In Maryland, there are several donation centers of The Salvation Army, an international Christian organization that provides social and humanitarian services.

The organization accepts used toys in good condition. You can find the donation center closest to your home at the following link: The Salvation Army Thrift Store. Just enter your zip code in the “Find a Thrift Store” box and you will get the location nearest you.

2. Customize cleaning utensils

child sweeping the floor with cleaning utensils adapted to his size

How would you make your kids enjoy food more if they have a hard time eating? Maybe by decorating the dishes with their favorite characters.

Similarly, what if you personalize the cleaning utensils with stickers of their favorite characters? This trick is really helpful to get them hooked on the world of cleaning and is an opportunity to spend time together. 

You can choose to buy utensils of their size or adapt the ones you already have at home, then decorate them with whatever you can think of: stickers, paint, colorful ribbons or pom-poms.

3. Dusting

mother teaching her son how to clean surfaces

This challenge is perfect if your children are between the ages of three and five, but it's an activity that any child can enjoy regardless of age! 

What will we need?  

  • A microfiber cloth.

  • A small spray bottle filled with water.

  • A magnifying glass (to make the activity even more exciting!).

Make a list of areas that need to be dusted, such as tables, shelves, windows, etc.

Turn the activity into a detective mission: tell your kids that they must remove the “villain dust” in each area on the list and show them how to do it.

The best thing about this challenge is that you can repeat it several times. Tell your kids that the “villain dust”  always comes back and that you need their help to get rid of it.

4. To the rhythm of the music!

mother and daughter singing while cleaning

This challenge will turn cleaning into a fun game for your kids. Play lively music while they clean and encourage them to move to the beat. When the music stops, you should freeze like statues! Repeat the game several times during the cleaning.

In addition to keeping the atmosphere lively and energetic, this game helps keep children motivated and engaged in the task.

So instead of being a boring chore, it becomes a joyful and energetic activity!

5. Refrigerator cleaning

father and daughter organizing items in the refrigerator

Encourage one of your children to go through the items in the fridge and cupboard to find those that are past their expiration date. Then, ask them to organize them into three groups: recycling, compost or trash.

With this challenge, they will not only be cleaning up, they will also be recycling! This activity will teach them the importance of organization and how their actions can positively impact the environment.

6. Organize toys

labeled toy storage boxes

Do your kids mess around looking for toys and organizing becomes increasingly difficult? 

Before you ask them to put their toys away when they're done, first teach them how to sort and classify each toy. In this challenge, let's create an organization system to encourage their responsibility.

Prepare labeled bins for different types of toys: stuffed animals, blocks, dolls, art supplies, cars and board games. Encourage your child to sort toys into their appropriate categories.

Tell them that, from now on, it's best to keep that order, and that those will be the new places for their toys.

In conclusion,

These are just some of all the cleaning activities you can do with your children, you can create your own based on their tastes and personality; after all, there is no limit to creativity.

Finally, we would like to leave you with a few recommendations:

  • The most effective way in which they will assimilate your teachings and your efforts to encourage them to clean is through example, children are like sponges, they do everything they see. So use that to your advantage and inspire them

  • Don't use cleaning chores as punishment, promoting a negative image of an activity they should enjoy will bore them.

  • Don't get overwhelmed, your children (especially if they are between 2 and 6 years old) will not clean or fold their clothes perfectly overnight. Teach them the way you would like to be taught something new: with patience, kindness and respect.

  • Explain to them the importance of cleaning up, organizing toys and taking off their shoes when they get home. We often underestimate children, but they understand more than we think. If you explain why, they will be motivated to help because they will understand the reason behind the task.

If you liked this article, please share it with any of your friends and family members or anyone you think could benefit from this information.  Follow us on social networks where you can find more tips. 

Thanks for reading! 


Clean Home Theory sirve a los residentes que viven en los alrededores de Maryland en ciudades como Bethesda, Potomac, Rockville, Gaithersburg, North Bethesda, North Potomac, Travilah y Silver Spring. Con servicios de limpieza del hogar que incluyen limpieza puntual, recurrente y de mudanza, estamos completamente preparados para satisfacer cualquier necesidad de limpieza que tengas.

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